Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oh god, kanye??

okayy so everybodysss talking about kanye west's foolish mistake at the VMA's lol...uhmmm honestly it was childish...and he definately owes taylor swift an apology...i think kanye wants like revenge for those other VMA awards that he didnt win stuff on orr watever...sooo like nowww its revenge...lol [but these are jus rumors] nobody knows what wass ruining through that man's head...lol


louis vuitton don jr. said...

love your blog follow me and I will follow you check me out at lifeofthenewlouisvuittondon.blogspot.com

Ms. King said...

Hey, would you please visit my blog and follow me?...just click on my name and go to my blog called "Dream Come True"....Thanx

Ms. King said...

I heard Kanye was drinking b4 the award show...maybe thats what triggered him to do such a thing...yeah, blame it on the alcohol...lol

Thanx 4 the follow, don't 4get 2 comment on any of my post...

Ms. King said...

Hey, I'm hosting a Pastry Tee contest...to win you must be a follower and comment on my posts