Sunday, July 18, 2010

twilight saga!!!...good, great, or horrible? you choose

screaminggg fans, crazy frantics, awwww the life of a twilight fanatic lol.
okayyy here's the dealll. its been a good bit since i been gone, but imma pick back up with the twilight saga. sooo everybody knowwsss of the twilight saga, if nottt hmmmm, uhh, anyways lol(:
twilight has become tweens new love, with taylor's slamming body and robert's oh sooo sexy look(: haha
steamy romance follows the epic movie, each time climbing to new and greater heights.
i personallyyy am a TWILIGHT DIE LIGHT(: haha. likeee fareal, but heyyy, im open to new opinions. ive heard alot of people saying its sooo retarted how the vampire glistens instead of burns up, it ruins the whole rule with vampires, i just sayyy" welllll hey its a new day" lol(:

give me your opinion...good, great, or HORRIBLE?????:p

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