Friday, August 21, 2009

adam lambart, anddd a uhhh toyy lambart was doin a concert...ohhhh whooo ohhh...and boommm some random person in thee audience threw a sex toy at him...hmmm that's really rude...and as a "personal opinion" i think that is the meanest thingg to do to somebody...just because of there sexualityy...i mean in my opinion...all that [person] did wass make himm more rich by buying a ticket to his concert lol...i dont have any disrespect for what adam is takes alot of guts to do wat he does...and i respect him for that:)

kristen stewart---a prostitute,,,whatt?

sooo...apparently kristen stewart has a neww role....uhmmm she will be staring as a prostitute in an upcoming independent film...
alongg with many lap dances, kristen will beee in nude scenes whoooo...go kristen;)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

can i get a what, what!?

soooo i was flipping through the channels onee day...and i happened to flip to khloe and kourtney's neww show...or wateverrr...and omg it was quite interesting

well first off i didnt knoww that kourtneyyy likee uhmmm femaless. lol hmmm that was a "shocker"....but wait isnt she pregnant...hmmm idk its confusingg lol

second...uhhh two word terrence and khloe...well that's three but you knoww what i mean:) lol

uhmm well terence and khloe were jus lip smackingggg all in the clubb...i was like whattttt?

*ohh and if you dont knoww, im talking about terrence from 106 & Park*

.....but they cleared it up in the end and just said that they just need to keep things "business-like" lol...

....also in the previews for the neww khloe got caught with some drugssss uh-ohh


soo watch the next showww and tell me what you think:)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

bow wow with a neww record label!

basicallyy bow wow has signed with cash money [lil wayne's thingyy mo' bobber] lol...hmmm bow wow can be pwetty wonder how this one will turn out whennn he isnt really the "boss"...and more like the "employee" lol...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

kourtney kardashian is PREGNANT:D

sooo kourtney kardashian is pregnant...hmm thats a really bigg shockkk...well who knocked her up is the question that every one is asking???? the answer,: her boyfriend Scott Disick..the little boy or girl is due in december :)...

kim kardashian's new hairdo!?

woww so ms. kim has a new "do"...hmmm very drastic for her i might sayyy...

uhmmm. one word: blondee. well itss not that badd but i dont think its her kinda style butt heyy u cant hate one a beautiful girl who has millions of guy fans drewlling over what they wish was theirs...

i guess this is her way of coping on the breakup wit reggie?? hmmmm lol

Saturday, August 15, 2009

simon cowell, a dog...wattt:D

sooo...has anyone heard or seen the 1982 UK music show "Wonder Dog"...hmmm well guess what...simon cowell was the goofy purple dog [heehee]...and get thiss he was quite "pitchy" on the footage lol...woww its a shame he has the time to criticize other people's singing...but ohhh nooo he forgot all about that..


simon cowell advertised the "Ruff Mix" (which was produced by Harry Thurman<---yeah idk who he is neither lol, anyway the song basically was a sampling of dog barks lol)...

buttt get this his way of advertising was dressing up in purple canine hi-lar-ious!

"that was quite dreadful, might i say" lol

jennifer hudson!

myy girl, jennifer hudson...whoooo...homegirl has vocals lol....everyone know about her trajedy: [her mother, Darnell Donerson, her brother, Jason, and her nephew Julian King were murdered]...thiss was the worst thing possible that could happen to this uprising entertainer...To losee her family like that was "insane"...butt at least she came back and brought in a new life. yesss jennifer had a baby boyy:)...his name is: David Daniel Otunga Jr. THISS IS A BLESSING 4 MS. HUDSON...BUTTTT SOON TO BE "MRS" OTUNGA...LOL...YES! SHE WILL BE GETTING MARRIED PRETTY SOON TO HER FIANCE...DAVID OTUNGA:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

eminem vs. mariah carey

soooo eminem...[in my opinion] onee of the best "lyrical rappers"...woww so theres that thing goin around between him and MARIAH idk allll the facts <---i should get them though but itsss pretty hearingg all sorts of thing from:...they were dating (which i believe is true), eminem is lying about the whole thing to get some more fame, anddd that he is jealous of "nick cannon"...watever is true...i jus think itsss pwetty hi-lar-ious how they are making really good music:)...i loveee eminem...and i think mariah carey got that diss he made:)....ohhh and mariah carey's neww song is GREAT...its playyin 24/7 downn here in houston...but i hope everybody is kewl after this whole rapper vs singer battle is overr :)...very entertainingg though:)